Latest updated May 25, 2023 by

8 Vile Things People Have Found In Their Fast Food Meals

Fast food can be a quick, convenient option when you’re in a rush or just craving a guilty pleasure. However, the territory definitely comes with some horror stories. We found eight of the most vile things ever reported to have…

Fast food can be a quick, convenient option when you’re in a rush or just craving a guilty pleasure. However, the territory definitely comes with some horror stories.

We found eight of the most vile things ever reported to have been found in fast food items:

8. Bandaid

Finding a bandaid in your food is a grotesque and wretched experience.

In 2005, an incident at Taco Bell involved a customer finding a used bandaid in her chalupa. Needless to say, the discovery was both shocking and nauseating.

7. Fried Chicken Head:

A horrifying find at a McDonald’s in Virginia, a woman claimed to have found a fried chicken head in her box of chicken wings. The fully formed, battered, and fried chicken head made the experience far more realistic and gruesome than anyone would like.

6. Mouse in a Bread Roll:

In 2009, a man in Philadelphia claimed to have found a mouse baked into his loaf of bread from Chick-Fil-A. The thought of a rodent being cooked into your meal is unquestionably horrifying.

5. Frog in a Salad:

A Wall Street Journal reporter in 2013 reported finding a dead frog in her salad from a sandwich shop names, Pret A Manger. The sight of the lifeless frog amidst the lettuce and dressing was a shocker.

4. Bugs in Broccoli:

In 2017, a woman in the UK found bugs living in her broccoli from Tesco. The woman discovered the bugs after microwaving the vegetable, which is horrifying for anyone thinking about what they could unknowingly eat.

3. Finger in Chili:

Perhaps the most infamous incident, a woman in 2005 claimed to find a human finger in her chili at Wendy’s. However, it was later revealed to be a hoax. The woman had actually procured the finger from a colleague of her husband’s who lost it in an industrial accident, making this not just gross, but also a criminal incident.

2. Chicken Brain:

A KFC customer in 2015 alleged he had found a fried chicken brain in his meal. While KFC claimed it was more likely a piece of kidney, the visual imagery of a fried brain is hard to shake off.

1. Worms in Burgers:

Multiple incidents have been reported over the years of customers finding worms in their burgers, from various fast food outlets. One such incident occurred at a McDonald’s in Australia where a woman claimed she found live worms in her burger.

These instances serve as reminders that no matter where you’re eating, it’s always a good idea to take a moment and inspect your food before digging in. It’s unlikely that you’ll find anything out of the ordinary, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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