Latest updated July 19, 2023 by

Ron DeSantis Throws Shade At Donald Trump’s Blizzard Ignorance While Copying Trump’s Dairy Queen Visit

Like Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been making the political rounds on the campaign trail. DeSantis visited the same Dairy Queen location in Iowa that his adversary Trump had one week prior. Last week Trump was ridiculed for making…

Like Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been making the political rounds on the campaign trail. DeSantis visited the same Dairy Queen location in Iowa that his adversary Trump had one week prior.

Last week Trump was ridiculed for making a bit of a blunder where he questioned staff on “what is a Blizzard” during a stop on his publicity tour at the ice cream joint famous for their Blizzards.

Naturally, DeSantis would also head over to the same location to do a little campaigning while showcasing the fact that he knows what a Blizzard is.

DeSantis took the opportunity to take a jab at the former president’s ice cream ignorance.

Trump’s seemingly innocuous statement regarding the Blizzard which sparked controversy was: “Everybody wants a Blizzard. “What the hell is a Blizzard?”

A video posted to Twitter caught DeSantis before entering the Dairy Queen where he said:

“I’ve known what Blizzards are for a long time. They’re a really important part.”

DeSantis continued his jab once inside further demonstrating his “superior” knowledge:

“My kids — they like the Blizzards,” DeSantis said after he ordered one. “They like cones, too, but that gets very messy in the car, so we try to stay away from that.”

Trump supporters like Steven Cheung, commented:

DeSantis could never do what President Trump does no matter how hard he tries. This is a Dairy Queen buddy, not a pudding shop.

Both Trump and DeSantis are making the rounds, as hopefuls to be nominated as the GOP 2024 presidential candidate. With the latest Dairy Queen shenanigans, you could say it’s…getting pretty ugly.

What’s next, fisticuffs at a Jack in the Box?

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