Latest updated October 23, 2023 by

Chick-fil-A Sued Over Black Chicken Nugget: “Unfit for Human Consumption”

Chick-fil-A is facing the wrath of a Floridian woman scorned by a “black chicken nugget”. The woman filed a lawsuit for negligence, claiming the chain didn’t prevent the incident which culminated in serving her meat that wasn’t “fit for human…

Chick-fil-A is facing the wrath of a Floridian woman scorned by a “black chicken nugget”. The woman filed a lawsuit for negligence, claiming the chain didn’t prevent the incident which culminated in serving her meat that wasn’t “fit for human consumption”.

The customer, Shi’Terra Sharp details her experience which occurred in 2020, in a lawsuit filed against the chain. She ordered chicken nuggets at the Brooksville, FL location, and started eating her food.

The lawsuit says:

“As [Sharp] was consuming the chicken nuggets purchased from [Chick-fil-A], she found the meat of the nuggets was black in color.”

A picture captures an insidious, unwanted surprise by Sharp

After eating the vile nugget, she became violently ill and “underwent great pain and suffering for some time.”

It’s not clear if Sharp noticed the black color of the chicken meat, and kept eating it…or if she didn’t notice the issue until it was too late to turn back.

Sharp seeks a jury trial to rule in her favor for a $50000 reward plus the costs of court for her pain and suffering.

Unfortunately, over the years, many vile things have been discovered lurking inside of customers’ fast food meals including (but not limited to); bandaids, frogs, and a chicken brain. In extreme circumstances, sharp objects like glass have even inflicted injury on unsuspecting customers.

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