Latest updated August 4, 2023 by

Cindy Crawford Brings Nod To Legendary 90’s Pepsi Ad In TikTok Star’s One Margarita Video

Cindy Crawford is taking it back to the 90s with a nod to her nineties Pepsi ad by appearing in the video for One Margharita, a raunchy little ditty by TikTok personality, That Chick Angel. The famous commercial of yore…

Cindy Crawford is taking it back to the 90s with a nod to her nineties Pepsi ad by appearing in the video for One Margharita, a raunchy little ditty by TikTok personality, That Chick Angel.

The famous commercial of yore premiered during the 1992 Super Bowl, and supermodel, Crawford’s pepsi-drinking performance was nothing short of iconic.

The ad featured Crawford clad in semi-booty shorts and a white tank, rolling up to a gas station, and retrieving a can of Pepsi from a vending machine. The hair flipping, slow-mo sipping was on point, and transfixed a pair of young boys watching with their mouths agape.

Now thirty one years later, Crawford is making a cameo in That Chick Angel’s video for her TikTok anthem One Margarita. This time Crawford traded a can of Pepsi for a margaritas, and downs it while onlookers salivate much like the Pepsi ad.

The song ramps up with That Chick Angel, podcast host and comedian (Angel Laketa Moore) physically pushing Crawford out of the picture.

One Margarite was originally a freestyle that Angel came up with on the spot. Her co-host Kevin Fredericks added a beat, then it was re-mixed, and the rest is history. The song has exploded on TikTok with over 300,000 users using it for their videos.

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