Latest updated September 30, 2022 by

Girl Gets Cussed And Tossed Out Of Line By Dunkin Donuts Manager For Asking For Oat Milk

A Dunkin’ Donuts manager flipped her lid on a customer when she asked for a milk substitute as she was ordering. She cursed and threatened to get her for trespassing if she didn’t leave the drive-thru line. @soupysoleis uploaded a…

A Dunkin’ Donuts manager flipped her lid on a customer when she asked for a milk substitute as she was ordering. She cursed and threatened to get her for trespassing if she didn’t leave the drive-thru line.

@soupysoleis uploaded a video to TikTok that showed the back half of her experience at this hostile Dunkin’ Donuts. The video got a lot of attention with almost 8000 replies.

It seems that the customer in the video made a misstep when she was placing her order: “I ordered two pumpkin iced chai lattes, and I asked for oat milk at the end of the order.”

She realized as she finished that she had forgotten to ask for oat milk because she’s lactose intolerant.


I’m absolutely baffled by how I was treated. Melissa, the morning shift lead at Dunkin’ donuts S Orlando dr. @Dunkin’

♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim

The Dunkin Donuts manager taking the order was none too pleased. and said, “Now I gotta redo the entire order.”

The customer started to repeat the order back when she was cut-off.

“I’LL REPEAT IT BACK TO YOU”…In her description, she emphasized the managers reply with all caps.

It only got worse as the employee at Dunkin’ was gearing up to unleash her attitude further.

In the text overlay – she explains that as they pulled up to the window, the customer had made a joke to her sister about her lactose intolerance.

When the manager saw the girts in the car laughing, any tiny shred of diplomacy she might have had vanished and said…

Since you guys think its so f***** funny, your service is denied.”

The girl started recording at this point in the hostile exchange, shocked at how the manager was reacting to her asking for oat milk.

She asked the employee to clarify what the issue was because she wanted to know how the worker had went to level 10 in the time it took to drive to the window.

Why..I just ordered?”

Because I asked you. Now get out of my line“.

The manager was ranged up enough to deny her service, with a chip on her shoulder bigger than the grand canyon.

Get out of my line. Or I will trespass you.”

The customer was as dumbstruck as one would be, by the sudden outburst of the manager. and she can be seen in the video with her mouth agape in confusion.

TikTok was similarly disturbed by the unprofessional manner of the Dunkin Donut’s employee and advised the customer to take the video to a higher up.

Russell Moyer This is a case of the worker was extremely out of line and should be fired. I’ve worked in service my entire life you don’t treat people like this.

Valerie Nyanforj Ohhhhhhhh nuh nuh no. 😳 Did you drop the info for this place??! She cussed at you!? NOPE. But this place on blast.

Possibly the employee was having a bad day, but as someone in a position of power like a manager – she should have been able to keep her attitude in check.

The viral video has exploded beyond 3 million views with the majority baffled by the manager losing it over oat milk, and her refusal to serve the customer.

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