Latest updated June 28, 2024 by

Details Coming To Light 25 Years Later On Cannibal Who Served Human Flesh At BBQs And Hardee’s

Great Falls, MT – A shadow of suspicion has fallen over Great Falls, Montana, as a 25-year-old cold case involving a suspected cannibalistic serial killer is thrust back into the spotlight. Nathaniel Bar-Jonah, a seemingly harmless resident who hosted neighborhood…

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Great Falls, MT – A shadow of suspicion has fallen over Great Falls, Montana, as a 25-year-old cold case involving a suspected cannibalistic serial killer is thrust back into the spotlight. Nathaniel Bar-Jonah, a seemingly harmless resident who hosted neighborhood barbecues, was convicted in 2000 of kidnapping and assaulting children.

Now new information suggests his crimes may have been far more horrific having been accused of serving human flesh to his neighbors during his many cook-outs while telling them it was deer meat when they commented on the peculiar taste. He allegedly served the flesh in burgers, spaghetti, chili, meat pies, and casseroles to his guests.

When Bar-Jonas was arrested in 1999, they found recipes that included the body parts of children, and came during the investigation into the disappearance of a young boy, Zachary Ramsay who went missing on his way to school.

Unearthed evidence at Bar-Jonah’s residence included disturbing handwritten recipes with titles like “little boy pot pie” and “french fried kid” and ‘lunch is served on the patio with roasted child’. While Bar-Jonah was never convicted of murder, authorities believe he butchered his victims and served their remains to unsuspecting neighbors at his social gatherings.

The case gained national notoriety, but with Bar-Jonah’s death in prison in 2008, it faded from public memory. Advancements in DNA technology have reopened the investigation, and authorities are re-examining evidence with the hope of identifying other potential victims. Bar-Jonah’s barbecues were notorious for their abundance and the unusual cuts of meat offered.

Guests reported an unsettling gaminess to the dishes, and some even described a vaguely human taste. Bar-Jonah, ever the charismatic host, would dismiss concerns, claiming the meats were from exotic animals he’d procured himself. This, coupled with the witness’s disturbing account from Bar-Jonah’s property, fueled the horrific suspicion that the “exotic meats” were, in fact, human flesh.

From a young age, Bar-Jonas exhibited disturbing and violent behavior. According to reports Bar-Jonas was obsessed with the taste of flesh and would pick at scabs until they bled. At just seven years old, he lured a five-year-old girl into his basement, and attempted to choke her. For over 20 years, he impersonated police officers to try and abduct children.

During the disappearances of several children in the 90’s, Bar-Jonas worked in the kitchen at Hardee’s in Great Falls, Montana, and in the kitchen at the Malmstrom Air Force Base. Police suspect he used these jobs as a way to get rid of evidence by feeding it to customers and members of the Air Force.

In addition to Zachary Ramses, investigators suspect his victims include Janice Kathryn Pockett, in Tolland, Connecticut, 15-year-old James Teta, who disappeared in 1973, four-year-old Andrew John Amato, in, 1978, and 14-year-old Amanda Dawn Gallion who went missing in 1997. 

“This case continues to be a source of profound grief for our community,” said a spokesperson for the Great Falls Police Department. “We are committed to using every available resource to bring closure to the families involved.”The news has left residents of Great Falls grappling with a chilling reality.

“It’s hard to believe something so monstrous could happen right here,” said a local resident. “It makes you question who you can trust.”

Bar-Jonas was sentenced to 130 years in prison for the kidnapping, aggravated assault and sexual assault of several minors. He passed away in prison in 2008. 

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