Papa John’s has enlisted a team of celebrities to promote their new menu addition, the Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia. Celebrities like: DJ Khaled, Kris Jenner, Josh Hart, Tony Statovci, and FaZe Rug have signed with Papa John’s as part of…
Papa John’s has enlisted a team of celebrities to promote their new menu addition, the Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia. Celebrities like: DJ Khaled, Kris Jenner, Josh Hart, Tony Statovci, and FaZe Rug have signed with Papa John’s as part of the marketing campaign.
It’s a pretty big campaign as it involves; Papa John’s, Pepsico, and countless celebrities. Many who haven’t been announced yet.

So far DJ Khaled has been featured in a commercial for Papa John’s in which he stands in front of the backdrop of a Papadia and claims to be responsible for the invention of the new dish…inspiration stuck while Khaled was on a jet ski.
The idea behind the marketing strategy is that each celebrity is going to “claim” they came up with the idea for the new Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia, hence, #DoritosPapadiaWasMyIdea.
Ruelle continued, “Celebrities, athletes, musicians and influencers across a multitude of cultural territories are coming together to ‘claim’ the Papadia as their creation. It’s an entertaining and authentic way of engaging new audiences, particularly our target Gen Z audience, through their favorite creators,” says Ruelle.
Jaclyn Ruelle, VP said, “As one of our biggest collaborations to-date, we knew we had to make the launch of our newest menu innovation with PepsiCo Foodservice even bigger! The Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia is a bold reimagination of our classic Papadia, which led us to rethink what a campaign could look like beyond the product itself.”
The new Papadia will be on the menu until July 23rd.