Latest updated October 12, 2023 by

“Wooooo”: Ric Flair Beefs With McDonalds Over Infamous Catch-Phrase

McDonalds found themselves under the legal gaze of WWE wrestling legend, Ric Flair when the chain used his legendary catch-phrase “Wooooo” in an ad. Apparently, the professional wrestler sent a cease-and-desist letter to McDonalds for using the “Woo” in a…

McDonalds found themselves under the legal gaze of WWE wrestling legend, Ric Flair when the chain used his legendary catch-phrase “Wooooo” in an ad.

Apparently, the professional wrestler sent a cease-and-desist letter to McDonalds for using the “Woo” in a commercial.

In an interview with Chris Van Vliet during his podcast, he also discussed his infamous “woo”, and the intricacies behind having five-o’s in the woo.

“Five o’s. It’s trademarked with five o’s, but I can enforce too.”

Flair explained the back-story to the legal ramifications that McDonald’s faces when they used his Wooooo in the beginning of a commercial shot for Glazed BBQ Tenders:

“Like McDonald’s did one where the guy went ‘Woo!’ We went right to McDonald’s and shut it down, rather than put me in the commercial, or pay me. I don’t know what it cost them to shoot down a commercial that… a minute long commercial has to cost them millions to put together, based on my knowledge of it, especially with the production value.”

Flair also discussed his line of energy drinks called Wooooo Energy for which he recently appeared in Ohio to promote in person. It comes in multiple flavors such as; dragon fruit, lemon and strawberry banana.

The commercial in question

Suffice to say Ric Flair will make mince meat out of anyone throwing around seemingly innocuous Woo’s. If you’re thinking about doing it, you’d best hold off otherwise you might get a cease-and-desist letter yourself.

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