Latest updated March 7, 2024 by

McDonald’s Becomes “Luxury” Many Can’t Afford, Loses Sight Of Core Customers

Remember the days of cruising through the McDonald’s drive-thru with a fiver and scoring an (arguably) satisfying meal? Those happy days seem to be fading, with many feeling the pinch of rising prices at the fast-food giant. During an investors…

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Remember the days of cruising through the McDonald’s drive-thru with a fiver and scoring an (arguably) satisfying meal? Those happy days seem to be fading, with many feeling the pinch of rising prices at the fast-food giant.

During an investors earnings call, the chain even admitted to a drop in visits from their core customers making $45,000 or less a year.

A recent video made by Freddie Smith (@fmsmith319), a creator on TikTok, has numerous videos pointing out the cost of goods nowadays. In one of his latest, which has since gone viral…he goes after McDonald’s and their ever-increasing prices.

At one point he said: “You know s—’s messed up when McDonald’s is becoming a luxury item in this country,”

Social media has been buzzing with discontent, giving a platform for consumers to voice their concerns about price increases across the board. Customers are echoing Smith’s frustration, pointing out that a Big Mac meal can now set you back nearly $20 in some areas.

He continued: “How much does a McDouble have to be before you go ‘this is a little ridiculous’. A lot of people are drowning. Housing and rent and college debt and daycare and now McDonald’s!”

The chain raised prices by 10% in 2023 alone, and they’re not the only fast food chain to do it. Wendy’s increased menu prices by a staggering 35% in 2022, Chick-Fil-a by 21.6%, Taco Bell 14.6%, and on and on.


McDonald’s prices are on the rise

♬ original sound – Freddie Smith

There’s gotta be some light at the end of the tunnel,” Smith said. “Are we living through the takeover of the middle-class?”

While inflation has driven up costs across the board, many feel the increase at McDonald’s is steeper than usual. This has some questioning the value proposition. For the price of a McDonald’s combo, consumers can now get a sit-down meal with higher quality ingredients and larger portions at other restaurants.

This price hike could be a double-edged sword for McDonald’s. While it might boost profits in the short term, it risks alienating their core customer base: busy families and budget-conscious individuals. After all, why pay a premium for fast food when you can get a more substantial and satisfying meal elsewhere? It just doesn’t make sense.

Joe Sempels, McDonald’s President of international developmental licensed markets discussed investigating making burgers more affordable, and bigger to target their value-driven customers once more:We’ve listened to our customers. And we understand their desire for larger, high-quality burgers that fill you up, and are delivered in a convenient and affordable way.”

Smith brought up the growing disparity between the upper class and middle and lower class. He said now we have: “two classes of people the have-yachts and the have-nots.” He pointed out how people need to use credit cards to buy groceries, rent has gotten out of control, and prices are increasing but wages aren’t to combat the issue.

Only time will tell how McDonald’s navigates this new landscape. But one thing is clear: the days of McDonald’s being a guaranteed budget-friendly option seem to be numbered.

Are we living through the takeover of the middle class? How much does a McDouble have to be before you go, ‘this is a little bit ridiculous‘?”

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