Latest updated September 30, 2022 by

Burger King To Spook The Nation with New Halloween Ghost Pepper Whopper

For the week of Halloween, Burger King is bringing out a new ‘spooky’ themed Whopper. This news comes from the Instagram of markie_devo, a user who in the past – has alerted the public to ‘breaking’ fast food news. The…

For the week of Halloween, Burger King is bringing out a new ‘spooky’ themed Whopper.

This news comes from the Instagram of markie_devo, a user who in the past – has alerted the public to ‘breaking’ fast food news.

The Ghost Pepper Whopper is being touted as a ‘version’ of the original. The key differences are the orange bun, jalapenos, spicy queso sauce, and ghost pepper cheese.

Coming soon to Burger King for Halloween is a spooky Ghost Pepper Whopper!! This one features an orange bun, spicy queso, crispy jalapeños, bacon, ghost pepper cheese and a Whopper patty,” the social media personality wrote.”

You might remember when the Whopper featured a black bun for the holiday in the past, and was called the ‘Halloween Whopper’.

Burger King decided to take a different approach this year.

The Ghost Pepper variant is sure to pack a punch with multiple ingrediants catering to a spicy taste.

If you’re a ‘heat’ junkie – you can start looking for the Ghost Pepper Whopper on October 10th when it hits select Burger King locations.

It will make a full nationwide debut October 13th.

Burger King already has it’s spicy cousin ‘Ghost Pepper Chicken Nuggets’ on the menu but there have been some complaints that the spice level isn’t up to par with the name.

According to discussions peppering the Internet, people have been slamming the nuggets as deceiving…like this user on Reddit:

by from discussion

Perhaps with the addition of several spicy elements, the Ghost Pepper Whopper will achieve the true spice status that heat connoisseurs are looking for…

Or maybe it’s just something to drum up business for the Halloween fans?

You can be the judge on October 13th.

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