Latest updated September 20, 2022 by

Woman Goes After McDonald’s For $13 Million After They Serve Her Cup Full Of Chemicals

Sandra Head is going for McDonald’s jugular after being served a heaping cup full of chemicals. Sherry claims that after sipping the chemical laden cup, she sought help from staff but they just ignored her. Court documents state that Sherry…

Sandra Head is going for McDonald’s jugular after being served a heaping cup full of chemicals. Sherry claims that after sipping the chemical laden cup, she sought help from staff but they just ignored her.

Court documents state that Sherry had ordered the treacherous caramel macchiato back in September 2021.

When she was placing her order, she could hear employees discussing the coffee machine thru the drive-thru speaker. One worker said that the coffee was “unavailable” since the coffee machine was in the process of being cleaned. A different employee could be heard in reply saying “No, it’s ready to go”.

Sandra Head’s fate was sealed. Upon ordering she drove away, taking a sip of her morning macchiato, relying on the caffeine to start her day.

She immediately noticed that something…was not all that it seemed.

I took a sip, and immediately my mouth and throat went numb, then started burning. Now I have permanent scarring in my throat and may need corrective surgery,” Head said.

After she took the lid off the cup – she could see something that appeared to be of a chemical-like nature.

Sandra drove back around through the drive-thru and asked the employee at the window for help.

His only reply to her was “It’s fine”. Then he slammed the window shut in her very face.

It only got worse as Sandra had to call for help and wait for responders to come to her assistance. Once responders arrived, McDonald’s staff further refused to help the situation by denying first responders access to the cleaning solution that had been used to clean the coffee machine.

The 15-page lawsuit was filed today and seeks $13 million in compensatory and punitive damages for her injuries (Via:

Head’s attorneys, say that she has been diagnosed with scarring and narrowing in her throat, difficulty swallowing, chronic gastritis, acid reflux and abdominal pain. She may need surgery to preserve her ability to swallow.

“For nearly a decade, McDonald’s has been promising to improve safety standards to prevent its customers from being poisoned by chemical cleaning solutions; and for nearly a decade, McDonald’s has failed to do so . . . it is time for McDonald’s to change its ways,” Sandra’s lawsuit alleges.

Some light investigation shows other users on Twitter complaining of a chemical taste in McDonald’s coffee. People like @AshHouston2021 who are not aware of the situation that befell Sandra Head.

And @OhHeyGrrrl…

It’s good to know that McDonald’s hasn’t put the word out, and changed the way they do things after Sandra Head’s unfortunate brush with the Caramel Macchiato Chemical-Infused Delight.

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