Latest updated February 7, 2024 by

Pizza Hut Says “So Long” with Sweet & Spicy “Goodbye Pies” for Valentine’s Day

Move over, breakup texts and awkward conversations. This Valentine’s Day, Pizza Hut is taking the sting out of saying goodbye with the limited-edition, Goodbye Pies. Starting today, February 6th, and lasting until the heart-shaped holiday, select Pizza Hut locations nationwide…

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Move over, breakup texts and awkward conversations. This Valentine’s Day, Pizza Hut is taking the sting out of saying goodbye with the limited-edition, Goodbye Pies.

Starting today, February 6th, and lasting until the heart-shaped holiday, select Pizza Hut locations nationwide will be offering these unique pizzas, designed to help you deliver not-so-sweet news in a surprisingly sweet way.

What’s in a Goodbye Pie?

The star of the show is Pizza Hut’s new Hot Honey pizza, featuring a sweet and spicy drizzle on top of two kinds of pepperoni toppings laid on a sweet sauce bed using red habaneros, and honey as a base. This flavor combination, inspired by the growing trend of sweet heat, is meant to add a touch of complexity and intrigue to the message you’re delivering.

But the real kicker is the packaging. Each Goodbye Pie comes in a specially designed box with a space for you to write a personalized message to your soon-to-be-ex. Whether it’s a simple “It’s not me, it’s you” or a more creative farewell, the box gives you a platform to express yourself.

More Than Just a Pizza Breakup

While the “Goodbye Pie” campaign might grab headlines with its unconventional approach, it’s also worth noting that it’s not limited to romantic breakups. Pizza Hut acknowledges that goodbyes come in all shapes and sizes, and the pies can be used to say farewell to friends, jobs, or even bad habits.

This playful campaign is a clear attempt by Pizza Hut to tap into the cultural zeitgeist of humor and lightheartedness surrounding breakups. It’s a bold move, but one that could resonate with younger demographics and those looking for a unique way to handle a difficult situation.

Whether you’re looking to end a relationship on a positive note or simply enjoy a delicious pizza with a unique flavor twist, Pizza Hut’s “Goodbye Pies” offer a quirky and memorable option for Valentine’s Day (or any day, really).

Goodbye Pie Notes:

  • The campaign is currently limited to select locations in the US, so check your local Pizza Hut to see if they’re participating.
  • Be sure to use the Goodbye Pies responsibly and respectfully, considering the feelings of the recipient.
  • If your local Pizza Hut isn’t participating in this promotion, customers can go to to access a breakup message and a free gift card for a Hot Honey pizza to then…be sent to an ex.

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