Latest updated March 1, 2024 by

Zuckerburg Wants Everyone To Know He’s Human, Raves About McDonald’s

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta (founder of Facebook), recently caused a ruckus after sharing his review of a McDonald’s in Japan. The tech mogul visited the fast-food chain during a trip to Japan, and declared it worthy of a Michelin…

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Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta (founder of Facebook), recently caused a ruckus after sharing his review of a McDonald’s in Japan. The tech mogul visited the fast-food chain during a trip to Japan, and declared it worthy of a Michelin star – the culinary world’s highest honor.

As he traipsed around the globe for a bevy of business meetings, he had the time to stop at a local, friendly McDonald’s for some grub. From the pictures, it’s clear he ordered; chicken McNuggets, three burgers, and two drinks.

Zuckerberg posted a few pictures to Instagram, and bestowed a perfect 10/10 rating on Japanese McDonald’s, highlighting his recent foray into fast food land as a success: “Give these guys a Michelin star.

The post included photos of Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, enjoying their Japanese McDonald’s meal.

What’s So Special About Japanese McDonald’s?

McDonald’s locations in Japan feature menu items that cater to local tastes. Some of the most popular include the Ebi Filet-O (a shrimp patty burger), the Teriyaki McBurger, edamame and corn salad, and even bite-sized churros for dessert. These offerings, alongside McDonald’s standard items, are wholly unique to the region.

Celebrities are not strangers to the wonderful world of fast grub, and salty French fries. Even outside of partnerships, and endorsements they can be found chowing down like the rest of us, grimly in the parking lot of a Wendy’s or a Jack In The Box against all health advice. Take Ben Affleck, he recently parked his car illegally in the parking lot of a JITB to get down to business. His meal was interrupted by an approaching officer none too pleased with his parking job.

Then we have the likes of a Dwayne the Rock Johnson, who posted pictures of himself in the drivethru of an In-N-Out Burger captioning the trip as his first time at the chain or in a drivethru…he was ripped to shreds by astute followers for claiming he had never been before, which would’ve been downright mean – if there wasn’t already video proof of him claiming the same song and dance in 2017.

Whether or not Zuckerberg’s plea for a Michelin star was entirely serious, his post shines a light on the global variations of the iconic fast-food brand. It also serves as a playful reminder that even the world’s most successful tech figures sometimes indulge in the simple pleasures of a familiar fast-food experience.

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