Latest updated July 11, 2023 by

Real Life Ocean’s 11 Style Wine Heist…$500,000 Of Wine Stolen

A wild wine heist that seemed to take notes straight out of a movie was successfully pulled off which involved a masked burglar rappelling from the ceiling, covering security camera lenses, and making off with the rarest, expensive wine in…

A wild wine heist that seemed to take notes straight out of a movie was successfully pulled off which involved a masked burglar rappelling from the ceiling, covering security camera lenses, and making off with the rarest, expensive wine in existence after a period of four hours spent stealing the wine.

The setting was Lincoln Fine Wines in Los Angeles, CA, a high-end wine establishment with inventory replete with bottles worth on average, $1000-6000 dollars each.

Much of the inventory is irreplaceable, limited edition, and first edition, top tier wine.

The owner Nazmul Hazque thinks the hiest is “creepy” and has been in a state of “shock” and disbelief since he arrived at his store after an alarm alerted him to a disturbance at 4am. He found a mostly empty shop, and utter destruction.

“It is very hard for me to digest. All my hard work snatched within a couple hours.”

When he arrived on the scene, he first noticed sunlight streaming inside the shop as if from a skylight…but he didn’t have a skylight. A hole had been drilled into the roof as an entry point, and then the burglar descended via rope into the store below.

The owner said, ““I used to always think they can break in the door and windows. Now, they come through the walls, they come through the roof.”

Burglar in the act

A total of 600 wine bottles were stolen. The burglar was caught on a surveillance camera but he was masked, wearing a hoodie, and a baseball cap.

An investigation is currently underway with other wine shops in the area offering Hazque their support.

Now where does one stash, and liquidate such “hot” merchandise are two glaring questions.

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