Latest updated June 16, 2023 by

Subway Customer Calls Police Because He Was Suspicious His Sandwich Was Made Too Fast

A 22-year-old Subway customer called 911 over a sandwich because he thought the employee made it too fast, giving him the impression that it was tampered with – possibly in the form of a spit-ball. Further reports mention that the…

A 22-year-old Subway customer called 911 over a sandwich because he thought the employee made it too fast, giving him the impression that it was tampered with – possibly in the form of a spit-ball. Further reports mention that the customer may have implied racism was part of the mix.

According to the police report, the customer told officers that he ordered his sandwich and went to get a drink from the cooler. In the time it took for him to do so and turn back to the counter, his sandwich was already made, wrapped up and waiting for him.

Far be it for anyone to trust such fast service – and further, he wasn’t asked by the Subway employee if he wanted his sandwich toasted or not.

Not trusting the sandwich and peeved about how fast it took to be made, he called 911 with his foibles.

The 911 call report says: “No longer from when I turned around to go to the cooler to grab me a drink, he already had my sandwich out. So, I don’t know if he spit on it or what. Like, it was like – never that fast.” The customer told the dispatcher that the employee also didn’t ask him if he would like his sandwich toasted.

The customer and employee clashed at this point, engaging in a verbal altercation. All while still on the phone with the police department.

Then he picked up the sandwich and threw it away, demanding that the employee make it again. After the employee refused, police arrived on the scene to disentangle the altercation.

There is no update on if the sandwich was made for a second time or if anyone received charges.

It can be flabbergasting that someone would call 911 over a sandwich but this episode of “angry fast food customer” is pretty benign compared to the flip-outs, and full-on assaults over forgotten food or wrongly prepared orders.

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